Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rainn Wilson Bassoon King

I am a big fan of The Office and really Rainn Wilson.  I loved House of 1000 Corpses and thought he was a fantastic Dwight.

This book is a fast, funny and light read...... which I believe all biographies should be in some way.  I had heard an interview with him of WTF and his story is fascinating.  Mr Wilson also includes some parts written by Dwight Shrute himself.

Everything is here.  Crazy hippie parents who had to abandon their own dreams for family life.  Struggling actor life, hustling actor life, fails, successes, failed successes and successful failures.  I really liked the schedules of the late 70's early 80's children and the D & D schedules of all weekend games.

Rainn has had a very entertaining life and I look forward to his projects later on in life.  A Very Fun Read!

Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl: A Memoir

This book caught my eye mostly because I enjoy comedian and musicians Biographies and this one is both so win win.

Carrie Brownstein rose to notoriety with her band Sleater-Kinney.  I am a big music fan but never really got into Sleater-Kinney mostly for the reasons people really were into Sleater-Kinney.  I had a hard time because too many people were asking me what I thought about it instead of it being about the music.

Fast forward many years and she's starring in Portlandia (as my wife calls it, "That show about Seattle") a very interesting sketch show relating to life as a 30 + something.
********************Spoilers Ahead**********************************************
Brownstein's book is a travel from her early family life, discovering Punk Rock and the Seattle scene of the 90's into her touring with Sleater-Kinney.  While interesting to read, it felt like this book scratched the surface and didn't really get into her relationship with her father and mother.  Maybe this book will help them talk more and a second book would be cool to read.

 I found the way she related to her father's coming out to her as being rather "blah" but her own coming out (ish) to him  with an article in a magazine about the band was also "blah".

Her Mother's eating  issue and Carrie's anxiety issue both hurt the family they were trying to create.

In a way, her mother and father had made a seemingly perfect family but weren't happy and Carrie made what was a seemingly successful band but wasn't happy. 

The band's touring stories were a little depressing with the sexism they naturally faced being an all female band.  You could feel Carrie's passion of her music and the ultimate boredom of touring life coming through the pages.

This book really left me wanting more from her writing style.  Hopefully, she'll be writing more in the future.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Ted Rall - Snowden

I am a big fan of these adult illustrated books.   I have been a fan of Ted Rall since his Maximum Rock n' Roll cartoons and this book filled me with nostalgia for youth.

I picked this one up and knew I needed to get it.  it was just too much me for lack of a better comparison.  It details snowden's NSA dealings and his escape throughout the word.  With an introduction and comparison to 1984 that is downright scary.

If all of this stuff is true it is amazing how our freedom and personal connections are gone and we live isolated in the world.  Oddly enough this is the first book I am writing about on a blog that I chose to write because I read too fast for most people to discuss books with.  So I am turning to the internet to have a personal conversations about the books I read.

I read this book in one day.  That's what I love about these illustrated adult books.... I simply can NOT get out of them..... they taunt me :)